Supporting the Parish

Logo of St Mary's Catholic Church

How can you support the parish of St Mary's?

If you feel that you can help or support our Parish in any way, in the first instance, please get in touch with the Parish Office.

You can support the Parish by choosing to donate money on a regular basis.

If you decide to do this, we would prefer to receive your donations by standing order. This system does enable you to vary the amount which you donate each month, or to choose not to pay some months, should you so wish.

If you would like to donate money to our Parish on a regular basis, please contact the Parish Office for the relevant paperwork.

Do you regularly donate to St. Mary’s Parish using the envelope system?
Would you consider changing this to a standing order?
This would greatly help our Parish.
You can still vary the amount paid each month and also choose not to pay some months.
For further information, please contact the Parish Office for the relevant paperwork.


Alternatively, you can support the Parish by donating your time to one of our special projects, offering to help at one of our special events, or by volunteering to participate in one of the various ministries within our church.

Our Parish Justice and Peace Group collect on behalf of the West Northumberland Food Bank and also on behalf of the Diocesan Refugee Project. They would be delighted to receive your donations and/or support. For more information, please contact Catherine O'Dwyer, Linda Gatter or the Parish Office.

The Parish St. Vincent de Paul Group (SVP) regularly visit Roman Catholics and non-Catholics recovering from a spell in hospital and people in residential care. They also provide practical and spiritual support to help members of the Parish going through difficult times, for example, due to losing their job, living on a low income, illness or accident or after a death in the family. By giving a little of your time or money (or both) to the SVP, you could help those in need and could help to transform someone’s bleak existence. For more information, please contact Dave Miller or the Parish Office.

You may also have other talents which you think may be useful to our Parish. If so, we would love to hear about them!

Welcome to our visitors; we hope you enjoy our church.

If you are a taxpayer and would like to help our parish, we would be grateful if you would ‘Gift Aid’ any Offering you intend to make, by placing it in a Gift Aid envelope (not loose on the plate) available at the back of the Church or in the Narthex.

Please complete all of the required information and we will then receive an additional 25p per £1.00 of your offering. Many thanks.


Website Credits

This website was designed and developed by Henry Winthrop. It was built with Umbraco CMS and a number of third-party libraries listed below.


UIkit, jQuery, wow.js, animate.css

Fonts/Icon Sets

Google Web Fonts, Remix Icons


Unsplash, Roger Clegg