Part | Title |
Reponsory | Christ our Light / Thanks be to God |
Canticle | Exsultet |
Responsorial Psalm | Send forth your Spirit O Lord |
Responsorial Psalm | I will sing, sing to the Lord |
Responsorial Psalm | With joy you will draw water |
Responsorial Psalm | You Lord have the message of eternal life |
Gloria | St Ann Mass (Macmillan) |
Responsorial Psalm | Resp - Alleluia |
Sprinkling Rite | I saw water flowing - Bob Hurd |
Reponsory | Litany of the saints |
Offertory Hymn | 58 - At the Lamb's High Feast |
Eucharistic Acclamations | St Ann Mass |
Lord's Prayer | Rimsky-Korsakov |
Agnus Dei | St Ann Mass |
Communion Antiphon | Christ our passover has been sacrificed (John Ainslie) |
Communion Hymn | The Strife is O'er |
Recessional Hymn | Ye Sons and Daughters |
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