Sunday 19th June 2022 - 12:00 PM

Corpus Christi (C) (1)

Part Title
Processional Hymn 548 - O Praise our great and gracious Lord
Responsorial Psalm Resp - You are a priest forever, a priest like Melchizadech of old
Gospel Acclamation 413 (taize)
Offertory Anthem/Motet Panis Angelicus (choir)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal chants
Communion Antiphon Whoever eats my flesh (Ainslie)
Communion Hymn 730 - This is my body
Communion Motet Elgar - Ave Verum Corpus
Recessional Hymn 233 - Guide me o thou great Redeemer


Website Credits

This website was designed and developed by Henry Winthrop. It was built with Umbraco CMS and a number of third-party libraries listed below.


UIkit, jQuery, wow.js, animate.css

Fonts/Icon Sets

Google Web Fonts, Remix Icons


Unsplash, Roger Clegg