Sunday 14th August 2022 - 12:00 PM

Assumption of the BVM, 2022

Part Title
Processional Hymn 608 - Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Kyrie MacMillan St Ann mass
Gloria Macmillan
Responsorial Psalm Resp. - On your right stands the Queen, in garments of gold
Gospel Acclamation
Offertory Hymn 694 - The God whom earth and sea and sky
Eucharistic Acclamations Macmillan
Agnus Dei Macmillan
Communion Antiphon Magnificat - Bernadette Farrell
Communion Hymn 663 - Soul of my Saviour
Communion Motet Ave Regina Coelorum - Peter Phillips
Recessional Hymn 483 - Mary immaculate, Star of the morning


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