Part | Title |
Reponsory | Christ our light (Missal settings) |
Introit | Exultet (Missal setting) |
Psalm | Send forth your spirit O Lord (PWB) |
Psalm | I will sing to the Lord, Glorious His triumph (PWB) |
Psalm | With joy you will draw water (PWB) |
Psalm | A pure heart create for me O God (PWB) |
Gloria | Coventry Gloria (Peter Jones) |
Psalm | 3-fold Alleluia |
Reponsory | Litany of the Saints (PWB) |
Sprinkling Rite | Vidi aquam (Gruber) |
Offertory Hymn | 58 At the Lamb's high feast we sing |
Eucharistic Acclamations | Heavenfield Mass |
Communion Antiphon | The Call (from 5 Mystical Songs by Vaughan Williams |
Communion Hymn | The strife is o'er (Palestrina) |
Communion Hymn | TBA |
Recessional Hymn | Ye sons and daughters |
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