Part | Title |
Introit | Dominus dixit ad me (plainchant) |
Processional Hymn | Adeste Fideles / O come all ye faithful |
Kyrie | Missa de Angelis |
Gloria | St Ann Mass |
Responsorial Psalm | Today a Saviour has been born (Bernadette Farrell) |
Gospel Acclamation | |
Credo | Credo III, Et Incarnatus (choir) Palestrina |
Offertory Hymn | O Little Town of Bethlehem |
Eucharistic Acclamations | St Ann Mass |
Agnus Dei | St Ann Mass |
Communion Antiphon | In Splendoribus Sanctorum (plainchant) |
Communion Hymn | Stille Nacht / Silent Night |
Communion Motet | Verbum Caro Factum Est (trad) |
Recessional Hymn | Hark the Herald Angels Sing |
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