Sunday 24th December 2023 - 7:00 PM

First Mass of Christmas, 2023

Part Title
Introit Dominus dixit ad me (plainchant)
Processional Hymn Adeste Fideles / O come all ye faithful
Kyrie Missa de Angelis
Gloria St Ann Mass
Responsorial Psalm Today a Saviour has been born (Bernadette Farrell)
Gospel Acclamation
Credo Credo III, Et Incarnatus (choir) Palestrina
Offertory Hymn O Little Town of Bethlehem
Eucharistic Acclamations St Ann Mass
Agnus Dei St Ann Mass
Communion Antiphon In Splendoribus Sanctorum (plainchant)
Communion Hymn Stille Nacht / Silent Night
Communion Motet Verbum Caro Factum Est (trad)
Recessional Hymn Hark the Herald Angels Sing


Website Credits

This website was designed and developed by Henry Winthrop. It was built with Umbraco CMS and a number of third-party libraries listed below.


UIkit, jQuery, wow.js, animate.css

Fonts/Icon Sets

Google Web Fonts, Remix Icons


Unsplash, Roger Clegg