Sunday 10th April 2022 - 12:00 PM

Palm Sunday 2022

Part Title
Introit Hosanna - J P Lecot
Processional Hymn 17 - All glory, laud and honour
Responsorial Psalm My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me (Terry)
Gospel Acclamation Christ was humbler yet - Stephen Dean
Hymn (choir) Bach chorales during the passion reading - see notes
Offertory Hymn 590 - Ours were the sufferings he bore
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal chants
Communion Antiphon Father if this chalice (PWB)
Communion Hymn 503 - My song is love unknown


Website Credits

This website was designed and developed by Henry Winthrop. It was built with Umbraco CMS and a number of third-party libraries listed below.


UIkit, jQuery, wow.js, animate.css

Fonts/Icon Sets

Google Web Fonts, Remix Icons


Unsplash, Roger Clegg