Sunday 4th December 2022 - 12:00 PM

2nd Sunday of Advent (A)

Part Title
Introit A Voice Cries Out - Michael Joncas
Responsorial Psalm Resp - In his days justice shall flourish, and peace till the moon fails
Gospel Acclamation
Offertory Hymn 241 - Hail to the Lord's annointed
Eucharistic Acclamations Spring Sanctus
Communion Antiphon Be Strong and do not fear - Nick Baty
Communion Hymn 228 - Godhead here in hiding
Recessional Hymn 133 - Come thou long-expected Jesus


Website Credits

This website was designed and developed by Henry Winthrop. It was built with Umbraco CMS and a number of third-party libraries listed below.


UIkit, jQuery, wow.js, animate.css

Fonts/Icon Sets

Google Web Fonts, Remix Icons


Unsplash, Roger Clegg